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Miasms, Nosodes & Epigenetics with Dr. John Millar, BSc, ND, DHANP, CCH, HOM

Miasms, Nosodes & Epigenetics
with John Millar, BSc, ND, DHANP, CCH, HOM



The miasm is a constant source of curiosity and frustration for homeopaths. The homeopathic classicists say that miasms boil down to Hahnemann’s four — psoric, sycotic, syphilitic, and tubercular. Many others think that any infection that is not cured in its entirety will result in a miasm that calls for use of the related nosodal remedy. Additionally, many agree that a suppressed infection is not a total cure, and that a non-infectious disease — such as cancer — can also create a miasm.

In this 6-week course, Dr. John Millar will share his knowledge of the modern understanding of miasms, particularly in the class of remedies known as Monera. Attendees will learn about the relationship between miasms and epigenetic alterations, and will develop the ability to use many nosodes found in our Materia medica.

In Hahnemannian homeopathy, the word "miasm" means the effects of microorganisms on the vital force — including symptoms that are transmitted to the following generations. Hahnemann’s contention that a miasm could be inherited was controversial because it conflicted with the understanding of genetics during his time. Now that we know more about genetics, the more modern viewpoint is that miasms are caused by epigenetic alteration. But what exactly does that term mean? 

Epigenetics is the study of how genes change. Before the Genome Project was completed in 2003, it was estimated that a human should have about 250,000 genes. Once the project was completed, the actual number of human genes totaled only 25,000, raising the question: Where did the other genes go? Ninety percent of them seemed to be missing, and the explanation was found in the new science of epigenetics.

Jean-Baptiste Lamark, a contemporary of Mendel and Darwin, was one of the originators of the idea that acquired characteristics could be inherited. Years later, this idea finally acquired scientific substantiation from a pivotal study about the birth weight of babies born to women in 1944 Holland. The fact that women delivered low birth weight babies during the war was not surprising; what was unexpected was that the tendency for low birth weight infants continued for the next three generations, long after the famine in Holland had ended. [PMID: 18955703]

Epigenetic scientists have also explored the causes of the phenomenon, but homeopaths — thanks to Hahnemann’s head start — have come to their own conclusions about the origins of miasms. Hahnemann and others have posited that miasms could be caused by any of the following:

  • Dietary excesses and deficiencies
  • Environmental and endogenous toxins
  • Suppression of mycotic, viral, and bacterial infections
  • Vaccination

Additionally, modern scientific research — both inside and outside the field of homeopathy — is beginning to give us an understanding of how homeopathic remedies work. In this course, Dr. Millar not only backs up the theory that the homeopathic miasms are, indeed, epigenetic alterations, but he also proposes that curative homeopathic medicines are acting at the epigenetic level. Most likely, homeopathic remedies work at this level to finely tune or optimize the expression of the DNA, in order to restore health to a diseased vital force.

When to use nosodes:

  • A good repertorization leads to a nosode
  • Well-indicated remedies fail to act or do not cure permanently
  • A regular remedy isn’t clear and there is also a history of infection
  • A person is “never well” since a specific infection
  • A person has complications/sequelae after an acute infection (including slow recovery)
  • The first prescription needs enhancement (a nosode can be used as either a second or intercurrent prescription)
  • Prophylaxis is desired

Dr. Millar will cover these nosodes and more:

Basic nosodesExanthem NosodesBowel Nosodes
  • Psorinum
  • Medorrhinum
  • Syphilinum
  • Tuberculinum…and other tubercular nosodes
  • Carcinocinum
  • Morbillinum
  • Parotidinum
  • Vaccininum
  • Pertussinum
  • Diphtherinum
  • Anthacinum
  • Malandrinum
  • Variolinum
  • Influenzinum
  • Morgan pure
  • Morgan gaertner
  • Bacillus 10
  • Bacillus 7
  • Proteus
  • Mutabilus
  • Gaertner
  • Dysenteriaw Compound
  • Sycotico co
  • Faecalis
  • Poly bowel nosode


  • Streptococcinum
  • Staphylococcinum
  • Candidinum
  • H.pylori
  • E-coli
  • Pneumococcinum
  • Chlamydia

Join Dr. Millar as he guides us on an expedition through the homeopathic miasms, teaching us the proper use of nosodes, and also showing the proof — using specific case examples — that they work. At the end of the six weeks, an extensive and modern understanding of miasms will be yours, and the miasma of confusion will be lifted.

Teacher: John Millar