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Pediatrics A - Z, #3-12: Signs & Symptoms in Pediatric Casetaking with Gheorghe Jurj, MD, PhD

"Dr. Gheorge Jurj has created the definitive study of homeopathy and semiotics. This is a must read for every student or practitioner of homeopathy who would like to hone and refine their clinical skills. I believe it represents a major advance for our profession."

— Kim Elia



WHN is extremely excited to present a continuation of the outstanding course we began with Dr. Gheorghe Jurj - Pediatrics A - Z, Part 1. In the next sequence, Dr. Jurj will share more videos and observations from his 30 years in clinical practice, and will teach us to ’see’ our patients, perceive the indicated remedy, and achieve outstanding success in practice. Do not miss this invaluable series with Dr. Jurj!

See below what WHN students are saying about Pediatrics A - Z.

Dr. Jurj holds a PhD in Semiotics, the study of how we use signs and symbols to create and communicate meaning, and he is widely recognized for his fusion of Semiotics and Homeopathy. His teaching helps refine our observations during casetaking, leading to a deeper understanding of patient expressions, and toward an answer to the question, “How can observations during casetaking guide me towards a remedy?”

During this course, we will make a practical exploration into the coherence between the observable signs and symptoms and the Generals and Mentals of the pediatric patient. As we dig deeper into the non verbal signs and symptoms, we will expand our knowledge and understanding of materia medica, moving beyond book studies to the clinical experience.

Dr. Jurj’s method is masterful for its inclusion of characteristics, peculiars, and striking symptoms into the Totality of the Case. Using this approach, the homeopath is better able to leverage the signs of the patient, and extract from them reliable information to be applied for the most accurate prescription.

An Invitation from Gheorghe Jurj

“Don’t expect too much theory from me: I am a clinician, and my main focus is to obtain results with good remedies prescribed according to the need of the patient, in REAL TIME HOMEOPATHY, not according to any speculations.

I have had the chance to face many thousands of patients, with so many problems, and (because I am too lazy to write pages) I recorded thousands of cases, with clear follow-ups. From this experience, I think it is a duty of mine to share with you and the homeopathic community my humble knowledge and a clinical way to approach the wonderful discipline that is homeopathy.”

Topics we will cover in this course

  • Specifics of the pediatric consultation: nonverbal signs, genetic influences, dealing with parents, eliciting the specific signs and symptoms. Seeing and understanding peculiarities, significance of the main complaint, trustworthy information.
  • Child development, evolution, and homeopathy: milestones of the growth process, understanding children in evolution, how children grow with homeopathy. Adaptation issues (school, moving, etc.).
  • Constitutional and acute prescribing: significance of acutes, situational remedies, complementary remedies, decompensation, management of trivial but disturbing conditions.
  • Exploring of select ‘children’s’ remedies: face and gaze, behavior, posture, pathologies, constitutions, hands, skin.
  • Selected disease conditions & special disorders: dermatitis, autism, retardation, severe genetic or immune disorders, tetra paresis.

This seminar-style course will take place on Saturdays, with each session lasting a full 4 hours. Sessions are scheduled from 8:00 am - 12:00 noon Pacific time, and will be convenient for live attendance by those in both Europe and the Americas (see to calculate for your time zone.)

Signs & Symptoms in Pediatric Casetaking will be an interactive course, and live attendance is strongly encouraged. Case videos and video clips will be included during all sessions*, and moderators will field your questions and commentary in real-time. We’re pleased to have Dr. Joe Kellerstein (bio) serve as principal moderator and facilitator for Dr. Jurj.

* Participants must sign a confidentiality agreement upon enrollment.

Teacher: Jurj Gheorghe