When Well Indicated Remedies Fail to Act with John Millar, BSc, ND, DHANP, CCH, HOM

When Well Indicated Remedies Fail to Act
Homeopaths typically spend many hours on the initial consultation. They ask all the questions that need to be asked, find the right rubrics to match the case, read comparative Materia medica, and decide which potency and dose are best. They give the first remedy recommendation with an air of optimism, confident that they have started a patient on the road to recovery—or at least hopeful of such an outcome.
The optimism is often justified, but once in a while a patient calls weeks before the follow-up visit. The remedy has failed to act (Nothing has happened or It’s not working). These calls are challenging to homeopaths at all levels of experience because they require a reconsideration of the case. What has happened? Was the wrong remedy given? Was the potency wrong? Was a troublesome miasm hiding behind all the more blatant symptoms? Was there exposure to an antidote — anything from dental work to that interfering cup of herbal tea?
Managing a case that has run off road is frustrating and has even caused a few homeopaths to throw up their hands, bemoaning, This homeopathy stuff is just too complicated!
If you can relate — if you have either taken the extreme step of quitting your practice or if you lose sleep over the issue of a well-indicated remedy that has failed to act, we invite you to sign up for this 6-week course. Dr. John Millar has over 30 years' experience dealing with these situations.
He will present his tricks of the trade, demonstrating the necessary navigation tools to re-evaluate these cases. With both short- and long-term case examples, Dr. Millar will give you critical information on remedy relationships and Hahnemann’s disease classification, and help you guard against practitioner prejudice. You will also learn optimization of health through nutritional and lifestyle choices, and Dr. Millar will explain his techniques for:
- Treating patients who are taking pharmaceutical drugs.
- Recognizing when a nosode or miasmatic remedy is indicated (a continuation of the epigenetics material presented in his previous Miasms, Nosodes & Epigenetics course).
- Exploring the possibilities of synthetic prescriptions (For example, Nat-p instead of either Nat-m or Phos).
- Teasing out maintaining causes (obstacles to cure).
- Systematically adjusting the potency or dose.
- Looking for “never well since” and/or hypersensitivity indications in a patient.
- Making sure the correct map was used: Was the prescribing strategy correctly matched to the case type?
- Examining initial case-taking: Was it complete?
Dr. Millar’s course will give you the tools you need to approach these problematic cases with confidence and clarity. Your patients who call with the disappointing news, I’m not better, can be towed out of the ditch and set on the road to recovery once again.