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Breaking the Cycle of Suppression with John Millar, BSc, ND, DHANP, CCH, HOM

Breaking the Cycle of Suppression with John Millar, BSc, ND, DHANP, CCH, HOM

6 Thursdays | September 15, 22, 29, October 6, 13, 20  | 5:00 - 6:00 pm Pacific time*

*see in your own time zone


Free Bonus Session

An Introduction to Suppression in Homeopathy with Dr. John Millar 
5:00 - 6:00 pm Pacific time | Thursday, August 25

Learn how understanding the suppression of symptoms in your cases can increase your effectiveness in practice.



The suppression of symptoms that can occur during a therapeutic intervention is one of the least discussed topics in Homeopathic practice. And yet, a proper understanding of how to address suppression in our patients is essential to guiding those we work with toward truly radiant health. We are often elated when, after giving a remedy, we notice that some of the symptoms of our patient have miraculously disappeared, only to discover later that those symptoms were suppressed and that there has actually been a worsening of the patient’s disease state and overall well-being.

Many cases today are impossible to cure without a clear understanding of the role of suppression in the case and how to reverse and remove that suppression. The use of pharmaceutical/biochemical treatments in conventional medicine has resulted in many patients having been made immeasurably worse through the suppression of their “pesky” symptoms. Fortunately, Homeopathy is well-equipped to undo the frequent suppression of symptoms that we see in daily practice – provided one knows what to do.

Did you know that there are close to 800 rubrics in contemporary repertories related to suppression? Would you be surprised to learn that Pulsatilla is the main polycrest indicated in cases of suppression? Or that Elaterium is almost a specific for urticaria resulting from suppressed fever? Or that Natrum muriaticum is the main remedy to consider for umbilical discharges that are the result of suppressed Gonorrhea? Have you considered Aurum metallicum in those cases of suppressed anger, when Staphysagria just doesn’t match the state of the patient? How about considering Petroleum instead of Sulphur in a case of diarrhea from suppressed skin eruptions? These invaluable clinical gems and many more will be presented during this timely and important course.

In his published works, the founder of Homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, describes three basic therapeutic medicinal approaches: Homeopathic, Allopathic and Antipathic.

Hahnemann frequently discusses suppression, for example - in Aphorism 46 he says that a case of blindness was brought on 'for two years after the suppression of a scalp eruption.'

In Aphorism 59 he speaks of suppressing coughs with Opium ‘.. in its primary action it suppresses all irritation … if the physician continues to suppress it with increasingly strong doses of this palliative, fever and night sweats are added to the disturbance.'

In Aphorism 69 he states that 'the palliative remedy makes the vital force insensible to the natural disease ...'

In Aphorisms 185-206 he discusses at length, with numerous examples, the horrors of treating 'local diseases' using internal and external drugs in various doses as a great folly and entirely un-homeopathic.

Obviously, Hahnemann understood the action of suppression and its importance in any form of medical treatment. During this course, Dr. Millar will provide a step-by-step understanding of the mechanism of suppression along with information about which remedies to employ for very specific instances of suppression. 

“Hering’s Law” is oftentimes used to assess the individual’s improvement, when the signs and symptoms move, from above down, from inside out, from more important to less important tissues and systems, and more importantly in the reverse order of occurrence. During this course Dr. Millar will discuss the origins and applications of this so called “LAW”, which is not really a law and not really Dr Hering’s. However, when understood correctly, “Hering’s Law" can be used to establish when the outcome of a treatment approach has been suppressive.

Modern medical knowledge in embryology and histology sheds a new light on “Hering’s (so called) Law”. The discipline of homeo-toxicology has shown how suppression proceeds from ectoderm to endoderm to mesoderm and ultimately to the mesenchymal tissues. These scientific discoveries allow us to create a hierarchy of systems that helps us to predict where the dynamic disease state will manifest when suppressed and where it will manifest when suppression is reversed and cure begins. This understanding provides a very detailed map for understanding why, for example, the suppression of eczema often results in asthma and why when treating asthma, we can expect the return of eczema with its eventual cure.

All of these ideas will be woven together to produce a practical approach that will serve both students and practitioners in their quest to help their patients. During this 12-hour course you will learn how to differentiate the role and approaches involved in cure, palliation and suppression. The use of Drainage in Homeopathic practice will also be addressed.

Some conditions which may lead to suppression will be discussed, including:

  • Conditions like prolonged worry, grief, anxiety, fear, disappointment, overexertion, unsatisfied longing for offspring or suppressed sexual desire which disturb and suppress the normal functioning of vital force.
  • Medicines which are not Homeopathic to the disease when used in crude form, physiologic and large doses. When physiological doses are used, they change the original picture of disease.
  • External applications to remove skin symptoms. This causes the skin symptoms to disappear and may increase the disease in internal organs.
  • Suppression of natural secretions of the body like sweat, menses, leucorrhea, lochia, nasal discharges.
  • Removal of diseased organ or part by surgery. This leads to removal of seat of disease or results of disease while the real disturbance in Vital force or Energy remains.
  • Vaccination which prevents the acute, while often promoting chronic health issues. The deranging factor for the predisposition to future allergic response (Th2) is the obstruction of natural manifestations of infectious diseases (Th1 response) in young children.

Please join Dr. Millar as he continues his discussion of the concepts presented in his When Well Indicated Remedies Fail to Act and Treating Patients on Pharmaceuticals.

In his usual inimitable style, he will present numerous remedies and case examples. Participants in this exciting course are guaranteed to come away with an entirely new understanding of suppression, and a set of tools to address their most challenging and difficult cases.