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Cycles & Segments with Drs. Paul Herscu & Amy Rothenberg

Drs. Herscu and Rothenberg have trained literally thousands in the Cycles & Segments methodology.

In this recorded webinar course, Amy and Paul taught 6 sessions, each of two hours duration. They presented the philosophy behind Cycles & Segments thinking and illustrated how they apply Cycles & Segments through cases and the presentation of materia medica.

Drs. Rothenberg & Herscu use the Cycles & Segments approach in the office with allpatients, from cranky babies to autistic children; from anxious adults to the chronically ill. This course serves experienced practitioners as well as students and newcomers -- anyone who wants to implement this methodology in their own practices.

The Cycles & Segments method offers a practical way of organizing information and promotes deep and integrated materia medica study free from the cumbersome memorization of long symptom lists.

This recorded course incorporates multi media presentations, cases, and supplemental handouts in digital form for your personal library.

As a homeopath with many years of prior experience and intensive schooling, I learned so much from Amy and Paul, both as homeopaths and as human beings. The model of Cycles & Segments opened an opportunity to 'crack' difficult cases and cruise through less challenging situations. I admire these people and highly recommend that both novices and more experienced homeopaths take their classes if at all possible.
— Edwards Shalts, MD, DHt

Drs. Paul Herscu and Amy Rothenberg are naturopathic physicians who have been specializing in classical homeopathy since 1986. A husband and wife team, their teaching styles vary, but their purpose is one: to inform, enrich, and inspire other homeopaths in their efforts, and to encourage them to fine-tune their perceptions so that they might better help their patients.

Paul & Amy are Co-Directors of the New England School of Homeopathy, which has provided classes to over 2000 homeopaths worldwide. In fall 2011, NESH will begin a new 10-weekend course in the Boston area, open to physicians, nurses, therapists and serious lay people interested in the practice of classical homeopathy. The course will emphasize the Herscu method of Cycles & Segments.

More information on the course is available at the NESH website.