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Mastering Case Management - 30 Principles for Navigating Difficult Cases with Alastair Gray

Mastering Case Management with Alastair Gray

Course Details

Alastair Gray

In this 20 hour, recorded course, Alastair Gray presents the essential tools for mastering homeopathic practice in the 21st Century. Placing special emphasis on the complicated case, Alastair guides us through the intricacies of case management, using his 30 Principles of Clinical Case Management as a roadmap.

Teachings have been focused through the lens of difficult contemporary cases, blending the pragmatic realities of daily practice with grounded homeopathic theory.

This course was designed to assist those who are new to practice as well as those whose practices are well established. Homeopaths in both groups find themselves confronted by the same issues, and will benefit from Alastair's clear and practical approach to questions like the following:

  • What makes a case difficult?
  • How do we treat and manage these patients?
  • How can we use the advice of Hahnemann, Boenninghausen, Kent, Lippe, Scholten and Sankaran with our contemporary patients?
  • What are the clinical principles, research, evidence, best practice and practical solutions for working with drug abuse, alcohol and unconventional lifestyles during homeopathic treatment?

Mastering Case Management: 30 Principles for Navigating Difficult Cases offers the best available guidance from our predecessors, coupled with solid academic research, and demonstrated through successful case studies to answer these and other questions that are essential to building a truly effective and successful modern homeopathic practice.

This recorded webinar course incorporates multi media presentations, cases, and additional handouts in digital form for your personal library.

Your Instructor

Alastair Gray is a Practitioner of Homeopathic Medicine, an International Educator and Lecturer, an author and expert in homeopathic provings. He has run a general natural medicine practice for 20 years, now in Sydney, Australia where his focus is on the treatment of anxiety, depression, addiction and men's health.

Visit his website here: