Dose and Potency in Homeopathic Practice
Dose & Potency in Homeopathic Practice
Instructor: Will Taylor, MD
11 hours (five 2-hour sessions plus a one-hour introductory bonus session)
- 11 hours of recorded video, for self-paced study
- Downloadable lecture handouts for each session
- Cases
- Reading materials & resources
- Online quizzes for self-assessment & documentation of participation for 11 hours of continuing education credit
This 6-session, 11-hour course, is a careful exploration of dose, potency and repetition of dose (posology) in homeopathic clinical practice.
In the context of specific case examples (both acute and chronic), these 11 hours of study will help you transfer the material to direct application in your clinical practice.
This course reviews the history of dose and potency in our tradition, and relevant lessons for our work today.
Topics covered include:
- Examples and exercises in potency selection in a variety of acute and chronic cases
- The early development of dose & potency over Hahnemann's lifetime
- Recommendations & practices of notable historical & contemporary practitioners - as they practiced, as well as as they wrote about it
- Schools of practice promoted in the 1980's rebirth of homeopathy - notably the approaches of Vithoulkas and Eizayaga
- 50-millesimal (LM, Q) potencies - use & management
- The use of crude and tincture doses in homeopathic practice
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If you are having technical issues with PayPal and need help enrolling, please contact our Course Coordinator at:,
phone (+1) 707-825-0545 (US Pacific time).
*Cancellation Policy: No refunds on WHN Courses
Note - purchase of this online course does NOT include the boxed DVD/CD set. If you would like the DVD/CD version of the course, this will be made available to all course participants at the discounted rate of $85, including shipping & handling (US& international), from a participants-only link on the course page.
(see for details regarding purchase of the DVD/CD set alone).
Purchase will provide you with 6 months' access to all online course materials, and the opportunity to purchase the boxed DVD/CD course set at course participant discount.
Please note that your enrollment on this course page will automatically expire 6 months (26 weeks) following the date of your enrollment, and all quizzes must be completed, and verification of participation material for continuing education purposes must be downloaded, prior to that time.