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Chronic Disease - The Chronic Miasms of Hahnemann in Theory & Practice

chronic disease boxWorking with Chronic Disease

the Chronic Miasms of Hahnemann in Theory & Practice
with Will Taylor, MD

  • 13 hours of recorded video, for self-paced study
  • downloadable lecture handouts for each session
  • Cases
  • Reading materials & resources
  • online quizzes for self-assessment & documentation of participation for 13 hours of continuing education credit

Hahnemann considered his work on the chronic diseases - his chronic miasms - to be his greatest contribution to medicine. Yet he predicted the homeopathic community would be slow to appreciate and to successfully apply his work in this area. In an 1827 letter to his colleague Stapf, he suggested “ least a year will elapse before the others get my book; they will then require more than six months to recover from the shock and astonishment at the monstrous and unheard things, perhaps another six months before they believe in it ... Hence three years from now will elapse before they can do anything useful with it.”

"As much as I'm reluctant to call Hahnemann out, here is one instance where I'll insist he was wrong - his figures fall at least 186 years off the mark. Nowhere in the literature of homeopathy do we find as much confusion and misappropriation of Hahnemann's teachings, as we do in discussion of the nature of chronic disease." - Will Taylor

In this course, Dr. Taylor will

  • carefully explore Hahnemann's descriptions of the chronic miasmatic diseases, tying these into current understandings and classification of disease;
  • expose commonly held myths and misconceptions regarding Hahnemann's teachings;
  • investigate how our historical authors have represented these ideas, or have re-invented them to incorporate their own philosophies of health & disease;
  • outline contemporary teachings regarding the chronic miasms, linking these to the traditional literature;
  • but most importantly -
    provide practical examples, in weekly casework and clinical scenarios, of how an understanding of the nature of chronic disease can provide practical tools in daily clinical practice


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*Cancellation Policy: No refunds on WHN Courses

DVD/CD - Note -
the special discounted price for this course does NOT include the boxed DVD/CD set.  If you would like the DVD/CD version of the course, this will be made available to all course participants at the discounted rate of $85, including shipping & handling US & international), from a participants-only link on the course page. 
(see for details regarding purchase of the DVD/CD set alone).