Facing the New Normal: Homœopathic Solutions for the Post Pandemic Era with John Millar

This course, led by Dr. John Millar, will offer points of departure for practitioners of all styles, levels and modes of practice, to begin addressing the ongoing fallout of the global pandemic. What does an effective intervention look like when there is no preventative or treatment available? What about the health effects that result from secondary waves of infectious diseases coupled with a socio-economic crisis?

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The Homeodynamics of Pandemics & Epidemics with Gyan Wadhwani

Having treated more than 6,000 Covid-19 patients in 2020-2021, and another 500 of the Omicron variant, Dr. Wadhwani and his colleagues have learned a great deal about how to treat all patient types, all variants, and every stage of the syndrome. Moreover, even though what they have learned specifically relates to Covid-19, the principles and practices involved will apply to any epidemic outbreak.

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Homeopathic Strategies for Post-Covid with Gaurang Gaikwad

In this special 3-part series Dr. Gaurang will share a wide variety of clinical experiences from the last two years of the covid pandemic, including post-covid complications seen after having received one of the “vaccines”. During this time, Dr. Gaurang and his team developed a unique clinical map and post-covid repertory which are extremely useful in the majority of long and post-covid cases. 

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