Homeopathic Provings with Alastair Gray

Homeopathic Provings with Alastair Gray

Homeopathic Provings

with Alastair Gray

Course Details

Free Bonus session:  Why Research Matters & Why Provings are Crucial in Homeopathy Practice with Alastair Gray Click to watch now!

Six webinar sessions for homeopaths, naturopaths and other committed health care providers.

To make excellent prescriptions each practitioner must be able to rely on homeopathy's most basic tool: materia medica. Yet many today have no idea where this fundamental information derives from. This course provides a working knowledge of exactly how remedy profiles are created, what can and cannot be relied upon in our literature, and most importantly, how this knowledge can translate to success in homeopathic practice.

This course offers you:

  • Comfort and ease distilling reliable (and speculative) information from homeopathic texts.
  • Increased understanding of materia medica and repertory (by understanding how both are created.)
  • Improved prescribing success.
  • An infectious excitement for homeopathic provings!

In these lively, interactive sessions with Alastair Gray, course participants explore the world of homeopathic provings old and new, investigate the origins of materia medica and repertory symptoms, and explore the significance of modern 'best practice' in provings as it relates to successful clinical outcomes. Materia medica profiles and cases of Moreton Bay Fig, Box Jellyfish, White Tailed Spider, Kowhai, Kauri, Tuberculinum, among many others are sprinkled throughout the course, anchoring the concepts presented.

Topics include:

  • Best (and worst) practices from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.
  • Reading 'source' materials.
  • Editing, collation, extraction – and the end result in our literature.
  • Dream, meditation and other methods.
  • The ethics of provings.
  • Comparing original with re-provings: Bufo, Cactus, Blatta, Culex, Bacilinum, Tuberculinum, etc.
  • Much, much more.

To be fully in the present, we must understand where we have come from. This is not a history course, but rather applied theory for more accurate prescriptions. And as pressure on homeopathy continues worldwide, sound research and research methodology are areas from which a firm "push back" is possible. The homeopathic profession must therefore establish agreement on best proving practices, honouring the traditions of the past, while grounding itself in modern accepted research protocol.

Provings are the most valuable tool for homeopaths. They are the basis of all pure materia medica and of homeopathic practice. Every well conducted proving cures many patients. However, for provings to be of use, they must be published, preferably in books. Many of the hundreds of recent provings are never edited or published, and are therefore lost. It is for this reason, and for the quality of his provings, that Alastair Gray should be congratulated on his excellent work. 
— Jeremy Sherr

Your Instructor

Alistair Grey, AMSc (UK) BAHons (NZ) ADH (NZ) DSH (UK) PCH (UK) PCHom (Malaysia)

Alastair Gray heads the homeopathy department nationally at Australia's Endeavour College of Natural Health. A dual sector role that involves running an advanced diploma in the vocational education sector and a degree in the higher education sector, he is responsible for quality of the curriculum and the academic integrity of the programs. He is also Endeavour's National Online Learning Project Manger.

Alastair has lectured in both under- and post-graduate homeopathy for 15 years. A regular seminar and conference presenter in New Zealand, Malaysia, the USA, Ireland, Canada, the UK, India, Thailand and Australia, he also delivers webinars worldwide.

For 20 years Alastair has run a general natural medicine practice in Sydney, Australia. Clinical practice remains a significant feature of his work with a focus in the treatment of anxiety, depression, addiction and men's health.

His latest book, Method (2011), was released at the 2011 LIGA conference to complement Case Taking: The Landscape of Homeopathic Medicine (2010), Volume I in the series. In addition, Alastair has published four books and numerous articles on the provings of Moreton Bay Fig, Tea Tree, Waratah, Tar Tree, Liquorice, Cactus, Kowhai, Kauri, Tuberculinum, Bacilinum, Mosquito, Cockroach, Toad, Seahorse, Pearl, Irukandji, Medusa, Box Jellyfish and White Tailed Spider.

Books by Alastair Gray


Alastair Gray has contributed greatly to the world of modern provings. Not only has he been involved in many excellent new provings but he has added much to the ongoing debate about their validity and methodological challenges... homeopaths will find his work accessible, well-researched and a pleasure to read. 
— Richard Pitt CCH, Former Director, Pacific Academy of Homeopathy, San Francisco

Finding the Newly Proven Remedy with Ralf Jeutter

Natrum muriaticum is one of our most over-prescribed remedies. These sessions will focus on differentiating between Natrum muriaticum and another new remedy, which is developing into a polychrest in its own right. In these sessions we will look at a case where posology/potency is of prime importance, and another case where a remedy very close to Natrum muriaticum had to be chosen. A detailed differential materia medica will be carried out, backed up by proving data and clinical confirmations including recent repertory additions. Participants will experience first-hand how a remedy comes into being and grows into an important polychrest.

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