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A STAR WARS JOURNEY: Homeopathic Remedies for Good and Evil with John Millar, BSc, ND, DHANP, CCH, HOM

STAR WARS JOURNEY- Homeopathic Remedies for Good and Evil

with John Millar, BSc, ND, DHANP, CCH, HOM


Free Bonus Session

Shedding Light on Remedies from the Dark Side with Dr. John Millar.  Join Dr. Millar for an illuminated glimpse at Remedies from the Dark Side.

The split between good and evil is as ancient as man’s understanding of human nature. These archetypal forces appear to have surfaced recently with a dramatic intensity that has affected us all on many levels. As homeopaths, we are witnessing the profound effects of this struggle on a daily basis in our practice.

With the fractionalization in today’s world, and with curiosity about the forces behind these divisions, it is very timely to open the conversation about these themes, and the homeopathic approach to healing the conflict and division both within ourselves and in the world at large.

As with other mythologies over the millennium, the Star Wars saga is essentially a modern-day version of this age-old conflict between good versus evil.

This 12-hour course will provide you with practical insights to help your patients who are struggling with the chaotic nature of today's world, where the conflict and consequences of good versus evil are clearly evident. Whether we are talking about a potential new world order, the dominance and shifting of the world super powers, or just handling the disarray in our own lives and those of our patients, the Star Wars saga serves as a model into the world of good and evil that can enlighten our homeopathic understanding in addressing these issues.

From remedies like Mancinella and Mandragora from the rubric Fear of Evil, to the Snake remedies which often symbolize the serpent as Satan/Lucifer, and on to remedies like Hydrogenand Psylocibin on their quest for transcendence, you will find this 6-week course with Dr. John Millar an illuminating and extremely valuable experience.

Dr. Millar will review how a patient's remedy state can present with four different fundamental expressions: 1) an uncompensated state 2) a compensated state 3) a cooped-up state and 4) a projected state.

In addition, the dark side of Jung's ‘shadow' will be discussed in detail, showing you how to consider rubrics you may not previously have considered. According to Dr. Jung, each person has a dark side which influences their life to varying degrees. During this course, Dr. Millar will show you how to uncover this dark side in your patients thereby helping to reveal the appropriate Homeopathic remedy.


Many of the conditions discussed will focus on acute and chronic psychotic states including neurosis, amoral behavior, antisocial behavior, cruelty, inhumanity as well as the polar opposites of these mental and emotional states.

Conditions that will be covered in this course include:

  • Neuroses and Psychosis
  • Schizophrenia
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Common Psychological States

Remedies that will be reviewed include:

The Serpents 
Lachesis mutus, Naja tripudians, Crotalus horridus, Crotalus cascavella, Bothrops lanceolatus, Agkistrodon piscivorus, Vipera berus, Dendroapsis polyepsis., Elaps corralinus, Cenchris contortrix and more.

Drug Remedies 
Opium, Anhalonium lewinii, Agaricus muscarius, Banisteria caapi LSD, Psilocybe caerulescens, Alcohol and more.

Remedies from the 6th period 
Aurum metallicum, Platina, Mercurius, Plumbum, Cinnibaris, Tungsten, Iridium, Tantalum metallicum and more.

Uranium, Plutonium and more.

Ignis alcoholis, Positronium, Luna, Sol, X-ray, Mobile phone radiation

Acutes and subacute 
Mancinella, Stramonium, Veratrum album, Helleborus niger, Hyoscyamus niger, Camphora officinalis, Mandragora officinarum, Belladonna and more.

Miscellaneous other interesting remedies 
Lac lupinum, Lac loxodontum africanum, Ficus, Limestone, Androctonus amoreux hebraeus and more.

Join WHN favorite, Dr. John Millar, on a spectacular journey as he uses the modern Star Wars films to examine remedies that are called for in those cases exhibiting this primary conflict. The relevance of this course cannot be overestimated!