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Demystifying Homeopathic Practice; Successful Casetaking, Analysis & Follow-Up with Will Taylor & Kim Elia

Demystifying Homeopathic Practice

Will and Kim will guide you through all the intricacies of Case-Taking, Analysis and Follow-Up, with a focus on historical and contemporary methods that have a proven track record in daily practice.

Case Taking

Samuel Hahnemann

The course starts with a thorough examination of Hahnemann's approach to case-taking, as described in Aphorisms 183 through 204.

Will and Kim will expand the discussion and explore new discoveries, including insights from the fields of contemporary psychology and neuro-linguistic programming, which aid in eliciting the information required for a successful homeopathic prescription.

Case Analysis

Mappa Mundi

The class will then venture into the all-important topic of Case Analysis. We'll investigate the nature of the totality of symptoms, that "principal or sole means whereby the disease can make known."

The exploration will use a variety of approaches — from Boenninghausen’s use of location, sensation, modality and concomitant, to current systems which have further advanced our understanding of this essential component of successful homeopathic practice.

We'll address the effective use of the Repertory, including rubric selection and construction of a formal analysis.

Case Management

Finally, Will and Kim will delve deeply into the often overlooked issue of Case Managementand follow-up, including supervising patients with serious pathology and those on allopathic medications.

The subject of posology (potency and dose) will also be discussed, with a review of different methods from the 4th, 5th and 6th editions of the Organon. Each of the cases presented will explore the reasoning for the potency and dose which were selected.

Theory & Practice

The course is designed to help participants to practice homeopathy more confidently, and will answer many questions which prevent students and practitioners from practicing with confidence. Although a variety of theoretical subjects will be presented, each topic will be grounded in real cases which clarify the important lesson to be understood.


A small sampling of the important subjects and teachers whose work will be discussed include:

  • Samuel Hahnemann (Organon and Chronic Diseases)
  • Clemens von Boenninghausen (various writings)
  • Adolphe Lippe (Fatal Flaw articles and other published writings)
  • Carrol Dunham (The Science of Therapeutics)
  • James Tyler Kent (Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy and Lesser Writings)
  • George Vithoulkas (Science of Homeopathy and Levels of Health)
  • Paul Herscu (Cycles and Segments Model)
  • Alastair Gray (Case Taking)
  • Luc De Schepper (Achieving and Maintaining the Simillimum)
  • Brian Kaplan (Homeopathic Conversation)

Each participant will receive multiple cases to work on, and Will and Kim will guide the student in a thorough understanding of how to apply effective and successful Case-Taking, Analysis and Follow-Up approaches in their own practice.

Your Instructors

Will Taylor (bio) and Kim Elia (bio) are two of today's most engaging homeopathic teachers. Building on a classical foundation – and on a combined experience of over 50 years – this 'Dynamic Duo' brings modern clinical practice to life in accessible, practical and unforgettable style.

Will TaylorWill Taylor
Will Taylor is a research scientist, medical doctor and naturalist. He encourages an in depth discussion of the classical homeopathic approach in materia medica study and case analysis.

Kim EliaKim Elia 
Kim Elia is a dynamic teacher and a seasoned homeopathic practitioner. His unique knowledge of materia medica and remedy differentials will bring these remedies to life.